Новости |
Autonomous heat supply«Autonomous heat supply» - several years ago this term for the Russian hearing was unusual. But the incessant building boom dictates own rules, today it is necessary to realize all importance of the decentralized boiler installations and mini-TeTs (heat electro power station). Use of autonomous boiler-houses helps to reach not only decrease in capital investments at the expense of absence of thermal networks, but also to shift expenses on habitation cost (i.e. On the consumer). This factor also is basic at a choice of autonomous systems of a heat supply. Besides, rather low cost and excellent functionality of industrial boilers - one more plus in a coin box of autonomous boiler installations. In the near future experts predict a serious competition of an autonomous heat supply from gas boiler-houses to the centralised heat supply both on efficiency, and at specific cost of released heat.
Designing and boiler-house installation - one of the most important stages in the course of boiler-house building. In order to avoid the errors, threatening to turn back financial losses, the correct and unique decision - to address in the specialized design-assembly organisation. Only the expert knows from what to begin and what reasonable steps it is necessary to undertake. On the basis of the technical project he will offer the engineering decision: will make the feasibility report, will help at registration of specifications, will develop the project, will calculate loadings on heating, HWS ( hot-water supply), ventilation etc., will make the coordination and project registration, and in the subsequent - a complete set of object equipment, installation, starting-up and adjustment and regime-adjustment works, commissioning and service. |
Реклама на сайте Автономное энергоснабжениеПроектирование, поставка, монтаж и последующее обслуживание энергетического оборудования. Газовые и дизельные электростанции: дизель-генераторы, газопоршневые и газотурбинные установки на базе топливных элементов . Поставка и модернизация станочного оборудованияТокарные и фрезерные станки, фрезерно-гравировальные станки. Дымоходы для промышленных котельных и мини ТЭС. Дымоходы для каминов, печей, котлов и газовых колонок. |
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